The Future of Democracy in Global Context, with Dahlia Scheindlin, Joshua Shanes, and Jeremi Suri

For this episode, tune in to an important and timely panel discussion about the future of democracy in a global context. We’ll be looking at the erosion of democratic norms and the attacks on democratic institutions within Israel and the US, placing it in global context, and thinking about why history matters when we consider important contemporary affairs.

Our hope is that this conversation, and the panel of three prominent scholars, can shed some light on these issues of critical importance. We hope you find this episode to be productive and fruitful as we think through some of the most important issues of our time through historical and global context. As you’ll find, there are perhaps more questions than we can consider in an hour, so we trust that this will just be a starting point for a continuing conversation about the history of democracy and its prognosis for the future in a global perspective.

Dahlia Scheindlin, a public opinion expert and strategic consultant specializes in conducting research and policy analysis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, regional foreign policy, democracy, and more. She has been an adjunct lecturer at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Tel Aviv University, the Jezreel Valley College, and Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus. She is a co-founder and columnist at +972 Magazine, and is currently a fellow at The Century Foundation, a policy fellow at Mitvim – the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies, and she co-hosts The Tel Aviv Review podcast.

Joshua Shanes is an Associate Professor of Jewish Studies at the College of Charleston,and his research focuses on Central and East European Jewry in the 19th and 20th centuries, specifically turn-of-the-century Galicia and the rise of Zionism as a counter-movement to the traditional Jewish establishment. And he’s published widely on modern Jewish politics, culture, and religion, as well as issues surrounding democracy and fascism, in academic and popular venues including the Washington Post, Slate, Haaretz and elsewhere.

Jeremi Suri holds the Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs at the University of Texas an Austin, and is a Professor in the Department of History there as well as the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs. Jeremi’s primary research interests include the formation and spread of nation-states, the emergence of modern international relations, the connections between foreign policy and domestic politics, and the rise of knowledge institutions as global actors. He is also the host of the podcast This is Democracy.

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